Round 2: Day 6, Post 1

25 06 2010

Warning: Candid discussion of poop-related issues ahead.  Those of a sensitive constitution should stop reading now.

So last night my stomach started hurting, and I had a pretty good idea what was at fault.  Lack of pooping.  I’ve gotten bound up like this a few times before, so I’m not blaming it on the fasting, but I certainly have been pooping less of late, and apparently my GI tract just decided to take some time off.

Anyway, my guts hurt, and I couldn’t get any relief; nothing at all was moving down there.  So I ended up skipping dinner, and then getting out of bed at something like 2:30 AM and walking around town, hoping the physical activity would kickstart something, all to no avail.

This morning, I called in sick, as I’d gotten no sleep and was still hurting.   I altered my fast rule for the day by allowing some prunes, as I considered them medicinal rather than foodstuffs.  Later in the morning, I had a small amount of success with the pooping, and later got my hands on some milk of magnesia, and I think the unpleasantness is nearing an end.  Thus ends the poop talk.  Sorry about that.

Anyway, since I didn’t have any dinner last night, I decided to allow myself one meal today to make up for it; as I thought not eating four meals in a row might be a bit excessive.  (The meal was lunch; Thai food.)

This morning’s weigh-in was 302.4 pounds.  I’m so close to the line, but I think I probably won’t hit it until next week, after all this dietary chaos over the last 24 hours or so.



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